Graphic Novel Round-up: Lions, Reporters and Vampires, oh my!
Monday, September 29, 2008
In case the forced title wasn't clue enough, no real theme to the latest grab-bag.
100 Bullets: First Call, Last Shot and Split Second Chance (Azzarello): I wanted to like 100 Bullets so much that I actually tried the second volume, even after being immensely disappointed with the first. The set-up is great: A mysterious agent arrives in your life. He has incontrovertible proof of someone that's done some sort of horrible wrong to you, a big honkin' gun and 100 untraceable bullets. What do you do?
The moral dilemma is terrific, and the possibilities are endless. The good guys, the bad guys, the crimes... limitless stories. And the parts of the series that focus on these stories? Those are the good parts. However, 100 Bullets rapidly gets caught up in the larger narrative. Who is this agent? Why does he do this? Is this a... conspiracy?! Honestly? I don't care. Stop world-building and write some stories! I love the covers - they're stark and intense. The interior art, however, disappointed me. Too cartoony to be taken seriously, and too detailed to be abstract - it seemed to be disconnected with the subject matter.
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