The Week in Geek (Mar 21 - 28)
Saturday, March 28, 2009
After a long silence, the Invader is back. Lots of good news - the original Paris invasion book is being re-released, a new home invasion kit (that is, a plastic invader mosaic of your own) is out and a load of other toys, including some fantastic trainers.
Very good list from Abebooks (who have always been more geek-friendly in their own content than Amazon) - 20 must-reads in post-apocalyptic fiction.
Sigmate Studio continues to score interviews with the up-and-coming, including Vifor Cafaggi, creator of Puny Parker (a news-strip-style comic about the adventures of young Peter Parker...).
Spotted: Posters for Joe Abercrombie's First Law trilogy hanging in tube stations. Mike Carey signing at Forbidden Planet - a 'true gentleman'. Editor of Subterranean Press in wiki-discussion about the true identity of KJ Parker.