Underground Reading: Contract by Simon Spurrier

Art Spiegelman @ Kansas City, 1996ish

Art Spiegelman Finding this image reminded me of an Art Spiegelman reading/signing in Kansas City, over a decade ago (yikes).

The occasion was UMKC's annual Cockefair Lecture. Given the lecture's history of getting big name speakers, the crowd consisted of Ladies Who Lunch and me (wide-eyed and clutching my sister's copy of Maus).

Spiegelman promptly shocked the bejeezus out of everyone by giving a fantastic, forty-five minute lecture about all the New Yorker covers he'd done that got banned. With illustrations. 

For the first five minutes, the audience was pearls and horror. For the last forty, they were eating out of his hand.

A great start.

Spiegelman then proceeded to do three things that, even as a fledgling signing-snob, absolutely blew me away:

1) He signed everything. With little sketches for each. No limits. He was as patient and as friendly as anyone could imagine.

2) He never sat down. In fact, when various handlers tried to find him a chair, he waved them off, saying that it would be "rude for him to sit with people standing to see him".

3) He stayed put. When more handlers came to move him along to his next engagement, he refused to go, as people were still waiting in line. "You have a flight!" "I have people in line!" was the exact conversation.

Mr Spiegelman, you are a fine artist and a brilliant signer.
