The Week in Geek: March 21 - 28
Saturday, March 27, 2010
London folk, our geek-cups runneth over. The V&A's late-night function thingie and the fine folks over at Echo Bazaar are teaming up this very Friday, the 26th of March for a live-action puzzle game. Will you be there? We will! (Although where I'll scare up a giggling mandrake at this late date I simply don't know.)
Update: sorry about the late post! We did attend this event last night and had an utter blast. The Echo Bazaar people had us running around the V&A solving riddles in order to learn our true identities. Turns out, I'm an assassin. But a hopeful one! Jared discovered he's a doomed gambler.
Are you a lady with a lean dancer's body and natural breasts? Would you like to be in the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie? You're in luck: the casting call is out! This whole article must be seen to be believed.
Speaking of casting, Chris Evans, the charismatic actor who made the loathsome Fantastic Four movies slightly less unwatchable, has been tapped to play Captain America. I'm sorry John Krasinski lost out, if only for the sake of my own crush on Jim Halpert, but Evans seems like he'll fill out that in no way completely ridiculous costume more than adequately. Also encouraging: the director currently attached to the project is none other than Joe Johnston, responsible for the charming (if also somewhat leadened) Rocketeer and "better than Jurassic Park II" sequel, Jurassic Park III. Promising, promising.
The A to Z of Awesome. Which is your favorite?