Previews: Accent, Max Crime, Titan and More
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
More foxy genre releases from a handful of publishers:
John Carpenter (Kamera): Colin Odell and Michelle Le Blanc pretend to take Carpenter seriously in this pocket book of film analysis. Released in July. The same publisher is also releasing Asian Horror (June), Neonoir (July) and Blaxploitation (September) in the same series.
Blonde on a Stick (Max Crime): Conrad Williams' PI Joel Sorrell tracks down a serial killer in London. Honestly, I put this on the list because I like the title. Released in July.
The Women's Club (Max Crime): Michael Crawley and Laurie Clayton tell an "everyman" thriller. When Jack Hale takes his daughter out to dinner, they see a murder take place. Everything is this neatly covered up. Is there some sort of crazy conspiracy... run by women? (GOOD LORD, NO!) Released in September.
The Art of Hammer (Titan): Marcus Hearn has someone's dream job. This may be his best yet, a "lavish" hardcover collecting the best film posters produced for the legendary studio. Released in September. A calendar of Hearn's last book, Hammer Glamour will be out in August.
I Was Waiting for You (Accent): Max Jakubowski's latest "erotic thriller". Featuring Cornelia, a stripper-turned-assassin, this novel journeys through Europe and culminates in Rome. "Sexy, sad, breathless", I normally wouldn't touch this with a barge pole. However, I'm a huge fan of Jakubowski's editorial and publishing work, so I'm keeping an open mind... Released in November.
101 Best TV Crime Series (No Exit): The grimy noir press is clearly looking to tap into the Christmas market with this "shamelessly personal" view of crime shows. Packed with pointless information and curious facts (and also tipped to become a TV show in its own right), this is Mark Timlin's invitation to argument. Released in November.