What's up with Night Shade?
Spectacular Character Deaths

Cold Warriors Launch Party @ Phoenix Artist Club, 19 May

COLD WARRIORS[Update: a photographic tour of the event is up on the Abaddon site - thanks guys! And even more pictures over on Jonathan Green's blog!]

I'll do a proper write-up once the hangover goes away (next Tuesday?), but a huge thank you to everyone that turned up for the launch of Rebecca Levene's Cold Warriors. We packed out the room, sold out of books and (judging by my headache) drank the venue dry. 

We've got a few goodies to give away  - including the last few "Hermetic Division" pins. These were one-offs created for the party and seem to have turned into collectibles. 

A huge thanks to the Abaddon team, the venue, Magnus (who did a brilliant reading), cover artist Simon Parr, everyone that attended, and, most of all, the author.

Cold Warriors is out now from your local bookstore (or Amazon). The sequel, Ghost Dance, is done, dusted, and following shortly, so get reading!
