Underground Reading: Cruise by Peter Baker
Underground Reading: The Pastel City by M. John Harrison

Only a Sultan could afford it...

Stacks_image_148_1 Would you? Could you? Nearly $9000 on a table? A table you couldn't even use for dining!

Meet The Sultan, from the woody craftsfolk at Geek Chic. I got an email from them this morning saying that, due to the cancellation of an order, they have a slot available for one of these tables. They only make nine every year. So, if you're interested, act quick!

I can speak for the quality of their goods, albeit on a much smaller scale. A while ago, I bought a friend one of their cute little wooden dice towers. It's a very nicely made piece of kit, and its presence at our games makes rolling those vital checks that little bit more special. They even make a "Command Stick", which looks like something a general would use in planning a final push at the Somme, but is actually for moving miniatures around a battlemat. It might be the campest gaming accessory ever.

The Sultan isn't the only gaming table they make, nor is it the only piece of 'geek furniture' in their repertoire. There's a particularly saucy-looking comics storage solution they call The Alexandria Codex. (It's unpriced on the website, and I frankly dread to think.) Given the exceptional quality of their dice tower, I've no doubt their furniture is equally swish - and let's face it, it had better be at that price. 

Seriously, if I had the money and the space, it's a no brainer - The Sultan looks awesome, and daydreams of gaming around it shimmer with golden glory. But it would, without a doubt, be the single most expensive gaming accessory I could ever think of owning. 

If funds and space weren't a problem, would you? Could you? What killer function or accessory would Geek Chic have to fit into the table to tip the balance for you?
