New Releases: Engines of the Apocalypse by Mike Wild

A Game of Relevance

The most recent volume of George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire was published in 2005.

Since then, Joe Abercrombie has given readers his entire First Law trilogy... as well as two other excellent, epic fantasies. Starting two years after Martin began his series, KJ Parker has published three fantasy trilogies, two stand-alones and a novella. For that matter, all three of China Mieville's Bas-Lag books came in the gap between the third and fourth books in Martin's series. 

Also worth noting? David Eddings, Robert Jordan and Stephen Donaldson have all published new fantasy books more recently than 2005, and I'm pretty sure at least one of them is dead.

I'm blatantly cherry-picking the best facts. Of course there have been a lot of prolific, shitty authors since 2005, as well as great writers that aren't exactly rushing to market. I'm not kvetching about the delay of Dance of Dragons, I'm realizing that I no longer care.
