Feminism FTW
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Re. the new DC "girl-friendly" comic Capes and Cakes, DC senior VP Dan Didio has this to say: “Girls aren’t as interested as guys in fights.... They’re more interested in relationships, romances, emotional drama. We’re taking the focus off crime-fighting and putting it on the more everyday questions women face, like - how can you put on enough muscle to do your job but still fit into a size 10? How do you attract a guy when you have the strength of twelve men? How do you decide between vigilantism - and raising a family?”
Well THANK FUCKING GOD someone out there understands the way I relate to the world. Ass-kicking is TOTALLY FUCKING SECONDARY to whether or not that spandex costume makes you look fat. (Via Longb'ox.) UPDATE: Yay, it's a satire. We can all breathe again.