Underground Reading: The Turquoise Lament by John D. MacDonald
NaNoNoWriMo: Day 1 - Your Pet Cat

NaNoNoWriMo - an Introduction

It's here - that magical time of year when the leaves begin to fall and all forms of social media fill up with people posting their daily word counts.  Yes, that's right:  it's National Novel Writing Month. 

Why write a novel this month?  Well, the kind folks over at the NaNoWriMo official website have a couple of answers for you!  "To actively participate in one of our era's most enchanting art forms!," they suggest. "To write without having to obsess over quality. To be able to make obscure references to passages from our novels at parties. To be able to mock real novelists who dawdle on and on, taking far longer than 30 days to produce their work."

NaNoers, we here at Pornokitsch salute your endeavors.  Why, if it weren't for harried people like you scrambling to meet difficult deadlines by hammering out anything, please God, just anything at all, many of our favorite books wouldn't exist!  And yes, what could be more fun and fulfilling than "mock[ing] real novelists" like the tortured Robert E. Howard, who took two months to knock out Hour of the Dragon, at a paltry 5,000 words a day!

However much we value hacks and their hacking (and we really do!), we here at Pornokitsch also salute the great art of procrastination.  Dilly-dallying and shilly-shallying, tarrying and temporizing, lollygaging and backtracking - you name it; we love it!  So in honor of NaNoWriMo we proudly present to you NaNoNoWriMo - National No Novel Writing Month:  30 Reasons Not To Write Your Novel Today.

But, in all seriousness, just remember:  if you write no more than 200 words a day you too could produce two award-winning novels, one novella, and a fellowship-granting thesis in about four years

Good luck!
