NaNoNoWriMo: Day 21 - World Rebuilding
Monsters & Mullets: Krull (1983)

NaNoNoWriMo: Day 22 - Day Job

Excuse:  Day Job

After a fairly unproductive weekend (word count: 0), I figured I'd take advantage of my boring desk job to get some writing in. Let's be honest, after my book is completed (and immediately sold), I'm not going to be here much longer anyway. 

I set my alarm so I could get in early - really write with the rising sun - but then, after I hit snooze six times, stopped for coffee & checked Twitter, I realized I was running late. Then I lost the entire morning to making rounds of tea, updating my Facebook profile & doing some cheeky research in to possible Mingralian cross-stitch patterns. I was so busy that I didn't even get a chance to update my blog before joining my friends in IT for a two hour lunch at Pizza Express. 

The afternoon was completely lost as well. @SamSykesSwears and @MarkCN were having a debate about the importance of multicultural, transgendered root vegetables in cover art, and given that my layouts are practically finalised, I felt that I had to partake. Then, at 2ish, the US came online, and the internets got super-busy. Between farming, Tweeting and planning a raid for next weekend, I barely even had enough time to answer all my personal emails. 

Well, what with all that work, 5 pm rolled around awfully early - and I felt completely justified in sneaking out early after a day that hectic. I have no idea how anyone could write a novel in the workplace. When would they find the time?!

