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PK Draft: Adapt This

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Time for a new draft to help us kick off 2011.

Nothing quite excites our imagination like screen adaptations of our favorite books. From Solomon Kane to The Lord of the Rings, each movie creates a wild fever of speculation. Who will play Bilbo? Who gets to be Edward Stark? The guessing game is often more fun than the end product.

This week, we'd like you to dream big and tell us who you want to see playing your favorite character in the imaginary film adaptation of a genre book/series.

Our prize this time is a lovely new first edition of Adam Roberts' The Dragon with the Girl Tattoo. (A well-written pastiche that's not better than both its book and film counterparts.)

Remember, this is a draft. So once an actor/actress is named, they're off the table. And same with the character. So if I want to see Michael Keaton as Locke Lamora, no one else gets to use Mr Keaton or Locke Lamora.

Rules, as usual, below the jump.

- The prize-winner is chosen at random from all the responses (PK staff can play, but we can't win. Alas.)

- You can enter repeatedly, but you have to wait 5 picks before you can enter again (e.g. if you go 3rd, you have to hang fire until 8th...). Multiple picks mean multiple chances!

- We ship anywhere in the world.

- You can ignore all previous adaptations. So you can do some imaginary casting for Gandalf, Harry Potter, etc.

- Actors don't need to be alive.

- Drawing takes place at 7 pm (GMT), Wednesday, 5 January.
