The Week that Was (Part 1 - Site Admin & Linkapalooza)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
A busy, busy week on Pornokitsch - in case you missed anything, here's the usual list of links, followed by some general site announcements
- Monsters & Mullets visited The Lost Boys (1987). Not to give away the ending, but there were monsters. And mullets.
- 10 tips for free geekery in London - the best museums, galleries and events to enjoy on a budget of... nothing.
- Reviews of Donald McGibeny's 32 Caliber (1920), Robert E. Howard's Conan's Brethren (2011), Robert Chambers' The Firing Line (1908) and Barbara Michaels' House of Many Shadows (1987).
- And... Jon Courtenay Grimwood Day! A spontaneous celebration of one of our new favorite authors - including more reviews (The Fallen Blade, Pashazade), a guest review from Tom Pollock and other bits & pieces throughout the day.
- Off the site, our reviews are now appearing (kind of) weekly in The Hub. Not just the home of fine free fiction, but also excellent Baroque snark.
- Off the internet, we got to meet the amazing Jonathan Stroud at Forbidden Planet. We've been fans since before Bartimaeus (god, we're old), and it was great to meet the man himself.
A few site admin things as well...
- We've been going through and removing our 10-point rating scale from our old reviews. It isn't something we'd done in ages, and it felt foolish (and a little silly) to keep them around. They may stay on the graphic novels, but that's a decision for another day.
- We're also in the process of removing all the links to Amazon. This isn't some sort of revolutionary stance (we still use them all too frequently), but if one of our reviews has moved you to purchase, we'd rather you did it at your local independent bookstore. Similarly, we don't take ads on the site - so being part of an affiliate program felt a little disingenous. Anyway, like the ratings, this is something it'll take us a little while to clean up entirely.
- We have a Vibrating Aboutness Cluster! We've wanted one ever since China MiƩville dropped the phrase on the room at EasterCon. And it even vibrates!
Next week... more Monsters & Mullets (hooray!), more Robert Chambers (period romance, ftw!), more guest reviews (ooooooh) and whatever else lands on our lap.