The Week that Was (Part 2 - Free Reading Edition)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Not staring at your screen enough? Here's a quick list of the free fiction that kept us entertained all week:
- "The Beasts in the Arena" - a Romanitas short story from Sophia McDougall
- Chapter 1 of The Book of Transformations from Mark Charan Newton
- "The Spy's Retirement" - a Sherlock Holmes pastiche from Jon Courtenay Grimwood (also, the entirety of neoAddix)
- "The Boy Who Followed Lovecraft" by Marc Laidlaw. A bit of a one-twist shaggy dog story, but stylishly written with a genuinely shocking ending. Everything in Sub Online is good (did we mention the KJ Parker?)
- A lengthy excerpt from The Cold Commands by Richard Morgan. Guess what? It is brutal, dark and sweary. Also? I can't wait.
- And, of course, all the lovely free RWC material on Project Gutenberg. If you're not following along with our Repairer of Reputations series, you can just start (and stop) with The King in Yellow.