The Week that Was
Sunday, March 27, 2011
What happened this week on Pornokitsch? Reviews, reviews, reviews!
- Robert Chambers' The Green Mouse
- Elspeth Coopers' Songs of the Earth
- Jonathan Craig's Case of the Cold Coquette
- Edward Hoch's City of Brass
- Douglas Hulick's Among Thieves
- James Lovegrove's Age of Odin
- Fred Venturini's The Samaritan (with a response from the publisher on finding ebook copies)
- Conrad Williams' Loss of Separation
- Mike Wild's Trials of Tress Kathra (with a nice response from the author clarifying a few of the points we raised)
We're not the only blog that reviewed The Samaritan lately - check out the equally glowing review over at The Ranting Dragon (they're also giving away a copy!). Our stated aversion to "frontlist bias" was a wee bit hypocritical this week, but thanks to Mr. Chambers and Company, the average publication date of one of our reviewed books was still a respectably historical 1983.
We also tried out our new column - Rattle & Boom - in which we took our first stab at reviewing role-playing and tabletop games. First up? Victory Games' James Bond 007, Role-Playing in Her Majesty's Secret Service. As a new feature, let us know what you think. Did you get all the information you wanted? Too much? Too little?
Finally, for competitions, links, videos and more, the Facebook page is slowly starting to get somewhere. We gave away a copy of Loss of Separation earlier this week and there's a another competition going now if you're keen to get your paws on Among Thieves.
This coming week... more Robert Chambers, the return of Monsters & Mullets, a more modern game undergoes Rattle & Boom treatment, a cool author interview and the normal crop of rants, reviews and general misbehaviour.