Spartacus: Blood & Sand by Rob Berg
PK Interview: Sophia McDougall (Part 2)

The Forum: News & Links

(thanks to @emmclean)

Sophia McDougall has good news for Romanitas readers: the entire trilogy will be released as ebooks on May 19th, when Savage City is published. Fans can also find her at EasterCon and at a BSFA event on 27th July. (Sophia McDougall)

DogmatixThe historical veracity of the military units in Rome: Total War. Sad to say, but there were no Roman ninjas. There were, however, flaming pigs. (HeavenGames)

"Musca’s body was wrapped up in the shroud at the foot of the grave. The sheer size of it was testament to a life lived for pleasure. In forty years of life he had eaten spectacular volumes of pork, lamb, venison, beef, chicken, turkey, quail, and, when the imperial menagerie had closed, giraffe" (Sam Wilson's Commedia

We get some clarification on that whole thumbs up/thumbs down thing! (The Order of the Stick)

If this whole "Rome" thing is sticking with you, there's an "Italy in Books" blogger challenge. (Book After Book)
