The NPR Challenge: Our Favorite Sci Fi & Fantasy Novels
Underground Reading: Playing Games with William Sleator, H.G. Wells and Heather Killough-Walden

The Weeks that Were

Another three weeks have gone by - and here's what happened.

The real excitement came with adding another member to the team - the amazing Rebecca Levene. Her first post was on Portal 2 and The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

And our reviews:

Outside of reviews, we continued to push our two cents across the table in the discussion around the David Gemmell Legend Awards and the "greatest" SF/F books.

Aaaaaand off the internet entirely (it happens, we've seen it!), we listened to some of the SF legends talk at the British Library, poked ten-or-so Gollancz authors at Forbidden Planet and got eaten by a giant plastic squid.

Plarchie (by Deadly Knitshade) lookin' a little sultry.
