From "A Thousand of the Best Novels" (1919)
Review Round-up: Walls and Watchmen

A Blackwell's Kitschies Steampunk Rum Night!

KrakenJust a reminder that Pornokitsch (in our less sweary, more book-award-awarding guise The Kitschies) will be hosting a Steampunk Evening tomorrow night at Blackwell's flagship store on Charing Cross Road, in London. Please join us as we discuss Steampunk, mingle with authors and artists, imbibe a festive and warming liquid, and browse and buy books at one of London's finest bookstores.

Guests will include authors Adam Roberts, China MiƩville, Lavie Tidhar, Philip Reeve, Kim Lakin-Smith, Jonathan Green, and Frances Hardinge; artists such as Gary Northfield, Sarah Skeate, Nicola Tedman and Deadly Knitshade; and the cephalapodic celebrity Plarchie the Giant Squid. (And many more!)

The event is totally free and boasts, in addition to all the delights listed above, tasters of rum from the Kitschies' sponsor The Kraken Rum. You can register for the event on Facebook, here

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow night!

A Kitschies Steampunk Evening
Thursday, December 8th, 2011
Blackwell's Bookshop
100 Charing Cross Road
London WC2H OJG
6.00 pm - 8.30 pm
