Review Round-up: Walls and Watchmen
New Releases: Getting Off by Lawrence Block and Jill Emerson

The Kitschies' Steampunk Evening

SwiftlyThank you to everyone for taking part in last night's Steampunk shenanigans. We hope you all had as much fun as we did.

Below, we've put together a quick list of the featured guests from last night and some of their more overtly (or potentially or arguably) Steampunk work. 

This is by no means intended to be an exhaustive list of Steampunk (or quasi-Steampunk or alt-Victoriana or dustpunk or not-so-much-punk) recommendations. However, these are the lovely people who gave a lot of their time and energy towards the goal of lively debate.

If you enjoyed their discussion at the event, please take the time to check out their work in more detail - both Steampunk and otherwise.


Jonathan Green (The Pax Britannia series)

Frances Hardinge (Fly By Night and Twilight Robbery)

Kim Lakin-Smith (Cyber Circus)

China Miéville (Perdido Street Station)

Philip Reeve (The Mortal Engines series)

Adam Roberts (Swiftly)

Lavie Tidhar (The Bookman, Camera Obscura and The Great Game)

Artists & Craftspeople:

(Now that would be) Telling (with curator Catherine Hemelryk, artist Hayley Locke and writer Ben Moor all present on the evening)

Deadly Knitshade (author of Knit the City and Stitch London, creator of Plarchie and the flock of "Stitch Your Own Mini Slake Moths")

Gary Northfield (the illustrator who spent the entire evening doing amazing sketches)

Pye Parr (cover artist for Pax Omega and The Ulysses Quicksilver Omnibus)

Nicola Tedman (author of Steampunk Softies and Zombie Felties)

Artists on Display:

Darren Goldsmith (artist behind the beautiful airships)

Doctor Geof (the History of Steampunk and Air Kraken posters and sketches)

Blog Contributors:

As part of the run-up to the event, writers and bloggers have all weighed with their appreciations, recommendations and occasional dissentions. 

Contributors to this series include:

"An Introduction to Steampunk" by Anne Perry (The Kitschies)

"Turning up the heat" by Den Patrick (Blackwell's)

"Dustpunk" by Kim Lakin-Smith (Cyber Circus)

"Bulgarian Steampunk: A brief history in war" by Harry Markov (Through a forest of ideas)

"Flip a switch and kill a fairy" by Jared Shurin (The Kitschies)

"On Steampunk: Part One" and "Part Two" by Cory Gross (Voyages Extraordinaire)

"Young adult and middle grade Steampunk" by the team at My Favourite Books

And a final thank you to the evening's facilitators, Blackwell's and The Kraken Rum.

Thanks again! And don't forget, you can keep up to date with The Kitschies, the prize for intelligent, progressive and entertaining genre literature on and our Facebook page.
