Red Tentacle Finalist: The Testament of Jessie Lamb by Jane Rogers
Golden Tentacle Finalist: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

Inky Tentacle Finalist: Equations of Life

Equations of Life
Simon Morden
Design by Lauren Panepinto

It's the sort of image that might cover a stylish reissue of a sci-fi classic, and thus lends this very new book a preemptive air of cult cool. There is nothing that gives the plot away, nothing so explicit as the post-Armageddon landscape that the novel itself might have called for. I can see this book being a knackered old paperback in twenty years time, still being passed around between friends like a Ballard, an Orwell, or a Burgess: a timeless backpack mainstay. Where it succeeds uniquely is that it hurts your eyes so much you simply have to open the cover and read the thing to make the screaming stop. [Hayley]


From 16 January to 3 February, members of The Kitschies' judging panel will be discussing all of the 2011 finalists. Each review only reflects the view of that judge, and should not be taken as representative of the panel's collective opinion or final selection.

You can find the complete list of Inky Tentacle finalists on The Kitschies' site. Please join in the discussion below and on our Facebook page.
