The future of literary prizes
Review Round-up: The Revisionists and The Fourth Wall

Friday Five: More Human than Human [Competition!]

For this week's Friday Five, we're turning it over to you again. 

6a00d8345295c269e2014e8a61077d970d-800wiThe topic? Cyborgs. Upgrading humanity is the stuff of great SF - from Robocop to Cybermen. They're in comics, film, television and (gasp) even a book or two.

Some of the best examples of cyborgs in literature can be found in Kim Lakin-Smith's Cyber Circus. Hellequin and Nim both wrestle with their "enhancements": embedded technology that proves both blessing and curse. 

So, here's the spiel - let us know your favorite cyborg (in any media) in the comments. One of you will win a signed copy of the BSFA-nominated Cyber Circus. The standard rules of logic and fair play apply: you can't choose something that someone else has already selected, the definition of "cyborg" is open to interpretation (as long as you can back it up) and passionate debate is, as always, heartily encouraged. We're only shipping within the UK this time (sorry), but awesome overseas responses will be rewarded with affection (and maybe even an eBook...).

The winner will be selected at random by a special bio-technological mechanic (e.g. we'll print out all the responses and see which one the cat chews first). The MechaFeline selection process will take place next Wednesday (22nd), so get to 'borging.


Haven't read Cyber Circus yet? Our review of it is here. And the author is signing this Saturday at Waterstones Derby (at noon o'clock).
