Hard Case Crime Files: Heart of Gold
Underground Reading: Mad Baxter and Big Red's Daughter

Pandemonium: Stories of the Smoke - Launch Party!

Stories of the Smoke cover by Gary NorthfieldPandemonium: Stories of the Smoke is finished and we'd be delighted if you could join us for the celebration.

We'll be cavorting at the Betsey Trotwood (56 Farringdon Road, EC1) from 6.30 pm on Wednesday, 4 April. You can see all the details and RSVP here. RSVPing is really important. We have a limited amount of space so, although the tickets are free, you'll need to have one.*

The evening will hold lots of smokey fun, including readings from several of the authors. Gary Northfield is generously donating the original artwork for Stories of the Smoke, and there will be a silent auction for each of the pieces, with the proceeds going to English PEN. (Don't forget, a portion of every book & eBook purchase of Smoke also goes to English PEN.) Even if you can't make the party, we'll sort out internet bidding for the artwork - stay tuned for details.

As a further incentive, the evening will be the first time Stories of the Smoke goes on sale - and possibly the last time for the limited edition. We're down to a few copies, and we've stopped taking pre-orders. The evening also marks the launch of Fire, the electronic chapbook and companion volume. Fire and our other electronic publications will also be available on the evening (technomagical solution pending).

It promises to be a proper Dickensian shindig, and we'd love to see you there.

A few more previews of Smoke's artwork are up on the new Pandemonium site. Plus, some hints about future volumes - both in 2012 and 2013. 

*Folks on the Pandemonium mailing list get first notice of this sort of thing. Hint hint.
