The Art of Seawigs
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Seawigs is the first in a four book series written by Philip Reeve and illustrated by Sarah McIntyre.
Coming from Oxford University Press in late 2013, it is described as a "hilarious and highly illustrated adventure".
In the original March announcement, both Mr. Reeve and Ms. McIntyre shared their thoughts on how the book came about. Apparently the idea was generated involved mermaids, mispronunciations, chocolate biscuits, fancy dress and a lot of laughter. Their 'he said/she said' can be found on their respective blogs.
Although both are experts - and friends - Seawigs is their first professional collaboration. We were curious how that worked out, and asked Ms. McIntyre for more detail on their collaborative process. From her description, it sounds like a meeting of (wonderfully goofy) minds:
We'd get an idea and bat it around, and get sillier and sillier with it, then he'd go off and write something. Then he'd send it to me, and we'd talk on Skype and come up with more ideas about it. I can hardly wait to illustrate it; I've already had loads of fun doodling near-sighted mermaids, sea monkeys and giant wigs.
Sarah McIntyre is also the author of this amazing rebuttal to an Independent piece about a perceived 'lack' of British illustrators. It is simply required reading: explaining how illustration works, highlighting a few examples of brilliant contemporary talent and giving a few quick tips for supporting new illustrators.
Art by Sarah McIntyre
Sarah McIntyre and Philip Reeve are co-hosts of Worlds of Tomorrow - come poke them in person!