The Art of Teeny Tinysaurs
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
We're madly in love with all of Gary Northfield's creations - from Derek the Sheep to the bugs in his garden to the Dickensian landscapes of Stories of the Smoke. His current project is a children's book, The Terrible Tales of the Teeny Tinysaurs, coming from Walker in 2013. It incorporates everything we love in the world: which is to say, dinosaurs.
Mr. Northfield said the book came about from a meeting with Walker, who'd asked him to pitch a graphic novel for children. He was attempting to convince them to publish his work on garden critters, but they spotted his dinosaur drawings and the editor immediately fell in love. Gary concocted several strip ideas based on various characters and the one featuring an entire gang of dinosaurs was swiftly approved.
Now, we just wait until 2013... (or not... Gary's work in progress can be found on his tumblr.)
Art by Gary Northfield