Causing Pandemonium: Novelettes & Events
Thursday, June 21, 2012
As previously noted, we'll be at Forbidden Planet's Small Press Expo on Saturday, June 30th (1.00 - 2.30). Under our nom de dinosaur of Jurassic London, we'll be flogging our wares alongside NewCon Press, Snowbooks and Myrmidon. There will be a load of authors there (check out the latest list of attendees on the FP site).
Forbidden Planet have snaffled up every remaining copy of Stories of the Smoke. They've all been signed by several contributors already (James Wallis, Alexis Kennedy and Archie Black), and the attending writers will be scrawling in them as well.
The following Monday, 2 July, we'll be jamming books at the Brixton Book Jam. This is the first of a new kind of event from organisers James Wallis and Zelda Rhiando. A dozen speakers will each chat away for a few minutes on a book-related topic. Then, PIT-FIGHTING. (Alternatively, panels.)
The Pandemonium presence includes Glen Mehn (reading from Stories of the Smoke), Tom Pollock (from The City's Son) and James Wallis (who will be giving away the secret to writing a book in a week). Plus, we'll be floggin' our wares again - this time alongside the amazing Stone Skin Press.
These two events will be the launch for our new range of collectible novelettes. Longish stories, as beautiful standalones, in signed & lettered editions. As a warning, between the pre-orders, Forbidden Planet and the BookJam, we will have none left after 2 July.
Obviously, a lot of this has to do with the teeny tiny print run (26!), but we love that people have gotten into collecting them. That's what we wanted all along - to make really lovely editions of some great stories. So, huzzah!
We're pleased to say that we've already scheduled a fourth - an extended version of Archie Black's "Uncle Smoke" (from Stories of the Smoke). This will be out for the holidays. We've got a fifth in the works as well for early 2013, but we need to keep our mouths shut for now.
Finally, we've printed up our first catalogue, which, appropriately, is already out of date (it misses out the 4th & 5th novelettes as well as a slow-burning secret project that will be out for the holidays). It does, however, contain the first substantive information about The Lowest Heaven and Planetismals. Oooooh.
Our next Pandemonium update will be for Lost Souls and Crossroads! As always, we offer pre-orders, launch invites and sales to our mailing list before sharing them anywhere else... If you're not on it already, now's not a bad time to join. Hinty hint. Nudgity wink.