Second-hand and Serendipitous
Brixton Book Jam - Tonight!

London's Geeky Weekend

Vast swathes of geekiness are occurring this weekend in London. Here's a quick run-down:

  • Small Press Expo: We'll be at this one, holding down the fort for our wee publishing imprint, Jurassic London. Massive list of author attendees, both as guests and punters. Plus, cookies. Unmissable, and that's not even getting into the crazy book launches – NewCon's Hauntings and our own novelette series. (Forbidden Planet, Tottenham Court Road, Saturday, 1 - 2.30 pm)
  • Love Charing Cross: Ok, I don't love the name, but this is a day-long literary festival in the heart of London, so I've at least got a hefty crush on the concept. Foyles and Blackwells have teamed up to throw a bookish block party. Of especially geeky interest are the Felt Monster workshop, the Ben Aaronovitch/Paul Cornell session and the teen fiction writing session. All of which, charmingly, conflict with the Small Press Expo. (Sigh.) (Blackwells and Foyles, Tottenham Court Road, Saturday, 11 am - late)
  • Pop-Up Festival of Stories: Two days of comics goodness, for fans and families alike. This looks... well... amazing, with artists, activities, authors, drawings, games, advice, etc. Say hi to Inky Tentacle judge Gary Northfield and mad creativity scientist Sarah McIntyre. (King's Cross, Saturday and Sunday) 
  • Lunch with Ben Aaronovitch: Ok, it is a signing, not a meal, but Ben Aaronovitch will be inscribing his latest at Waterstone's Covent Garden. (Covent Garden, Friday, 12.30 pm - 2pm)
  • London AnimeCon: Not my pet genre, but this looks like a lot of fun. Standard convention fare (panels, costumes, screenings, shopping) plus video game competitions, karaoke (!) and animation workshops. You must be 18+ to attend (this isn't kinky, there's just a bar on-site...), tickets at the door. (Rocket Complex, Holloway Road, Saturday and Sunday)
  • Brixton BookJam: Not really the weekend, is it? But this event promises more small press madness - Stone Skin, Strange Attractor and us again - plus readings and talks from Tom Pollock, Glen Mehn, James Wallis, Adam Mars-Davis, Zelda Rhiando and many more. The only other opportunity to get our novelettes, so pounce! (Hootananny, Brixton, Monday, 7 pm - close).

Kind of ironic that we're heading out of town on Saturday afternoon, isn't it? 
