Brent Weeks' The Black Prism and The Blinding Knife
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
No one is more surprised than I am that I returned to Brent Weeks. The Way of Shadows (2008) was such a stunning example of LOLFANTASY that I vowed to keep my further Weeks-reading at arm's length. If not further.
Still, time heals all wounds and bloggers I really respect were all rating The Blinding Knife, book two in the AWSUM COLORZ series. The library turned up a copy of The Black Prism, so I took it as a sign and got to reading.
Generally speaking, I agree with the collective enthusiasm - Brent Weeks' recent books are a lot of fun. But are they greatness? Eh. I hope not. [There's also a generally-held view that The Blinding Knife is "the next level up" from The Black Prism. Although I'd happily agree that this new series is a vast improvement on the NITEANGELDARKAVENGERSTABFACE trilogy, I'm not sure there was a pronounced difference between its component books. In my mind, the AWSUM COLORZ series has already fused into single polychromatic volume. Possibly because there's not much actual plot.]
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