Speculative Fiction 2012: Contributor List
Friday Five: 5 Favourites from Warren Ellis

Everywhere but here...

The Folding KnifeNo reviews today, but if you're looking to kill some time, why not saunter over to Tor.com for this week's installment of The Folding Knife? We're up to chapter three and now Basso is going political. #OccupyVesaniRepublic

Elsewhere, there's a nice round-up of Clarke Award links over on Strange Horizons. As is the tradition, everyone is leaving their predictions in the comments. The shortlist is announced on 4 April. If you haven't voted yet, it is because you can't. But the judges really like it if you email them to remind them of your favourites.

On awards, thanks to everyone that turned out on Wednesday night to listen to Donna, Kim, Anne, Duncan and I talk about the BSFA shortlists (and a few other things on the way to talking about the shortlist). There's good stuff there. I definitely recommend spending a few pleasant hours working your way through the short stories. They're (almost) all online and free and, as mentioned on the night, they showcase the crazy range of "science fiction" (and "short story").

Here's Robert Jackson Bennett on "Excess".
