Everywhere but here...
Friday, April 26, 2013
Really very much not here, as we're off to hunt dinosaurs while our friends move in and spoil the cats for us.
Lots of fun stuff lately, with Adventure Rocketship and Speculative Fiction 2012.
Stories of the Smoke is entering its last week before dissipating, so strike now if you ever want to read amazing stories of talking cities, walking cities, trolls, walruses, angry spirits and the secret history of London's best pubs.
Upcoming books: just approved the proof for Reading Between the Lines. Next steps, printing and signing, but it looks like they'll be shipped in the first half of May. The Lowest Heaven is looking amazing - we've got the (gorgeous) cover from Joey Hi-Fi and have spent the past few weeks mucking about in the image archives of the Royal Observatory Greenwich with the help of Dr Marek Kukula, the Public Astronomer. It is been just about the coolest thing ever.
We're just waiting on contract stuff, but should be announcing the 2014 titles in then next few weeks. Eep.
As for bloggery, I've got my weekly spot on Tor.com, espousing the virtues of The Folding Knife and Anne contributes to a guest post for author Liz de Jager, waxing poetic about notebooks.
And next week? Next week is crazy. Clarke Award, Kitschies event, Lauren Beukes is in town, Apocalypse panels, Teeny Tinysaurs... (psst... read The Shining Girls yet?)