Speculative Fiction 2012: Out now!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
We interrupt a week of imaginary musings for something very real - Speculative Fiction 2012 is now available on Amazon.
This collection contains over fifty of the year's best online essays and reviews, from Tansy Rayner Roberts on Supergirl to Lavie Tidhar on China MiƩville to Aishwarya Subramanian on My Little Pony to Joe Abercrombie on, er, himself. It is a diverse collection of some of last year's best and most interesting writing. We fully expect - and hope - it will cause discussion, debate and a bit of a ruckus.
The book also contains a foreword from Mur Lafferty, an introduction from this year's editors (Justin Landon and myself) and an afterword from the 2012 editors, Ana Grilo and Thea James of The Booksmugglers.
All proceeds from sales of this book are donated to Room to Read, supporting literacy and gender equality in education around the world.
Paperbacks are available now:
And Kindle versions will be coming shortly.
(Please note that the physical versions do come with exclusive, print-only content: the back cover.)
This has been a learning experience, a labour of love, and, most importantly, a lot of fun. Everyone involved was an absolute pleasure to work with, proving once and for all that blogging does make you a better person.