Stories of the Smoke: Going, going...
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Stories of the Smoke will only be available for the next 24 hours, then it will disappear from the Amazon and Kobo stores for good.
Part of our shtick is that all our anthologies - including the ebooks - are "limited edition". In the case of the digital formats, it means that they're only on sale for one year. And, as of tomorrow, Smoke's year is up. If you own Smoke, it won't be magically removed from your Kindle - you'll own it forever. But, there will no longer be opportunities to purchase it.
What's Smoke about? The anthology's core theme - stories about London and inspired by Charles Dickens - is broad enough to contain a bit of everything, and we're pleased that reviewers from the Guardian to A Fantastical Librarian have said nice things about it. In hindsight, we should've slapped "steampunk" in the title somewhere (however inaccurate) and watched it become a best-seller. And certainly there are steampunk stories in here. But there's also cyberpunk. And horror. And hard SF. And literary fiction. And dark comedy. And a walrus.
Smoke contains stories from Sarah Lotz, Archie Black, Aliette de Bodard, Alexis Kennedy, Esther Saxey, David Thomas Moore (twice!), Jonathan Green, Rebecca Levene, Jenni van der Merwe, Glen Mehn, Kaaron Warren, Michelle Goldsmith, James Wallis, Charles Dickens, Lavie Tidhar, Sarah Anne Langton and Adam Roberts. The introduction is by Christopher Fowler and the illustrations are done by the amazing Gary Northfield.
Proceeds from Stories of the Smoke benefit English PEN. Dickens would approve. ($4.99) (£3.99)
Kobo (£3.99)