Review Round-up: Jesus, Bridesicles and New York City
New Releases: Blood Song by Anthony Ryan

Pandemonium Updates: New & Old Titles [Updated!]

New titles, old titles, things moving around:

Cover - speculative-fiction-2012Speculative Fiction 2012 is now available as an ebook for the Kindle. It took some doing, but thanks to the hard work of Gav (@gavreads & @handebooks), we got there, and last year's best online essays and book reviews are now packaged up in a convenient online format. That is to say, we've made an digital book out of a print book out of digital work. [Amazon US ($3.99) | Amazon UK (£2.99)]

All proceeds from Speculative Fiction are donated to Room to Read.

Meanwhile, Lost Souls is now available as a paperback! Our third anthology, Lost Souls collects over twenty forgotten stories of woe and triumph and ghosts and Popes and all sorts of interesting things. [Amazon US ($9.99) | Amazon UK (£7.99)]

On other fronts...

Amazon is very, very slowly making all our chapbooks free. 1853 is free for both the US and the UK. Stocking Stuffer 2012 is now free (in the US only). All our chapbooks are already free on Kobo, but if you've got a Kindle, they're steadily coming your way...

The Lowest Heaven limited edition is on sale (pre-order) exclusively through the Royal Observatory (e.g. don't order it through Amazon or anywhere else, because that way you won't get a book!). The paperback and ebook are being released on 3 July. If you're keen to read this (amazing) new collection first, I'd suggest grabbing your copy before they're all gone...

A blast from the recent past - Lou Morgan's "At the Sign of the Black Dove" (from Stories of the Apocalypse) is now up on Tales to Terrify as audio. Hop over and have a listen!

Don't forget to submit blog posts to Speculative Fiction 2013 and your short stories to Ash!

We're aiming to announce two new titles next week and next spring's anthology in mid-June. Crikey.

UPDATED: Forgot to mention - we dropped off a half-dozen copies of Reading Between the Lines and A Town Called Pandemonium (the Cafe de Paris hardcover!) at Forbidden Planet. They're not up on their website yet, but if you're interested in snaffling one of the last few copies of these lovely signed & limited editions, get in there...
