The Lowest Heaven - Launch Party - 13 June
Thursday, May 23, 2013
We would be delighted if you could join us for the launch of The Lowest Heaven on 13 June, between 6 pm and 9 pm at the National Maritime Museum.
Guests include over a dozen of the anthology's contributors, including... Alastair Reynolds, James Smythe, E. J. Swift, David Bryher, Maria Dahvana Headley, Simon Morden, Jon Courtenay Grimwood, Mark Charan Newton, Lavie Tidhar, Adam Roberts, Esther Saxey, Matt Jones, Archie Black and Sophia McDougall, as well as Marek Kukula, the Royal Observatory's Public Astronomer and your noble & hard-working editors.
The launch will be part of the festivities surrounding the late night opening of the new (and spectacular) Visions of the Universe exhibition, featuring a stunning collection of astrophotography. As well as readings, signings and general shmoozing with your fellow book lovers, there will be games, music, comedy, cocktails and (as noted) an amazing new exhibition.
Entry is absolutely free, but booking is required - and tickets are going quickly. (Visions of the Universe is not included, but can also be booked ahead of time.)
The Lowest Heaven limited edition hardcover will be available on the evening. You can pre-order your copy through the Royal Observatory shop (and you may want to - they're also going very quickly!).
We've also set up a group on Facebook, join in for the latest updates about the launch!