"Essential" Epic Fantasies: Wrap-up
Underground Reading: A Touch of Death by Charles Williams

We're gonna need a bigger boat...

LootI'm going to combine the 'post-script' (book purchasing) and 'everywhere but here' (stuff that's happening) updates from now on. They're both sort of... bloggy, self-indulgent entries. We'll see how it works out. Bear with me as I figure out how best to talk about myself.

First up, latest purchases/new cause for groaning floorboards & concern from the downstairs neighbours:

Lee Hoffman's The Legend of Blackjack Sam. Dunno. Ace Western. It is a thing. I read a lot of Westerns ahead of A Town Called Pandemonium - with the expectation that after that book was done, I'd never return to the genre. Who knew I'd actually enjoy it so much? (Any Amount of Books)

Alice Thompson's Burnt Island. A reminder of the house rules - I don't list review copies. But if I buy a proof for a few quid, then woohoo! Anyway, the back cover sounded intriguing. The reviews I've read since then make it sound a bit... not my thing, but it is a teeny little book. Worth a shot. (Any Amount of Books)

Arthur C. Clarke's The Sands of Mars. First edition, first novel (second book), with dust jacket... and weirdly cheap on abebooks. Anyone know the story with this? I would've thought this was a proper 'jump for joy' rarity, but the average internet price is unspectacular. (Any Amount of Books)

Gary Northfield's The Terrible Tales of the Teenytinysaurs! with a sketch! Of DINOSAURS. This book is pure, unadulturated wonderful. We actually bought three copies, one to save, two as gifts. (Gosh! Comics)

James Smythe's The Machine. I am collecting the bejeesus out of this guy. Great book. Glad to have the hardcover. (Foyles)

Jonathan Grimwood's The Last Banquet. A review of this will be up next week, I think. But, for now, it should suffice to say that I am delighted to have picked up a proof to go with the copy I was sent to review. This book is really, really excellent. (Cecil Court)

Jack Wang's "Cozy" War and Peace. This will be a gift, but it is adorable, and I like having it around for a few days. (Gosh! Comics)

Jenni Fagan's The Panopticon. They have signed copies at Foyles! Hey! I really like this book! (Foyles)

Kate Atkinsons' Life After Life. Given the buzz and the quasi-literary, quasi-genreness of this book, it seemed I was going to read this eventually. And Foyles has/had signed copies. (Foyles)

Simon Barraclough's Bonjour Tetris. Probably the first volume of poetry I've ever bought that wasn't by don marquis or someone that fought in World War I. Amazing: funny, poignant, sweet and not stuffy at all - these are poems about Doom and movies and things I, you know, get. I feel like the biggest barbarian in the world when I talk about poetry, because I know nothing. But this is a wonderful little book. Plus, it is a gorgeous (and very affordable) limited edition. (Direct from Publisher)

Laurent Binet's HhhH. Excited to read this, not much else to say, except that the publisher did cool stuff with the printed spine-thing. Book design FTW. (Hatchard's)


The re-read of The Folding Knife is slowly winding its way towards completion. Chapter 13 is up now on Tor.com. We've got 4 chapters to go, then a conclusion. 

This week's lesson: if you really want attention, just list stuff.

Oh yes, THERE WAS A THING! At the National Maritime Museum! With a ton of authors and a lot of lovely people that turned up to drink drinks, hear some readings and patiently stand in a very long line to get their books signed. Obviously I'm a little biased, but The Lowest Heaven launch may have been the best yet - even beating Apocalypse (a.k.a. 'the launch without books') and Lost Souls (a.ka. 'the launch without a pub').

Photos from the night from:

Sarah McIntyre


J for Jetpack 

I'll have a more TLH-focused update early this week, but, to my knowledge, there are <10 copies left of the limited edition. The Museum is sorting out all the pre-orders, including some last-minute entries, and then the remaining copies can be sold off (either by the Museum or directly from us). The paperback will be also be available (for pre-order) through various websites next week as well (woohoo!), with a more snuggly-intimate Central London event planned for 3 July. 

Submissions for Ash are now closed. We got a lot, so it may take a little longer than expected to read through them!
