Underground Reading: A Touch of Death by Charles Williams
British Fantasy Awards: Non-Fiction Category

"Was a time when I knew the earth."

...thus begins Sam Sykes' "Wish for a Gun" from A Town Called Pandemonium

In many ways, that's how we felt when, coming home last night, we discovered that A Town Called Pandemonium and "Wish for a Gun" are both finalists for the British Fantasy Awards

A huge congratulations to all the contributors to A Town Called Pandemonium. As a shared world, it was a shared effort, and the ten authors, two editors and one badass illustrator who worked on it should all be enormously proud of themselves. And a separate-but-still-incredibly-hearty congratulations to Mr. Sykes, whose "Wish for a Gun" is an amazing piece of work. 

We pity the competition, because, as Sam writes: 

"Ain’t know what the earth is until you put someone in it."

(Just kidding. Honest. Congratulations to them too!)


A Town Called Pandemonium is available on the Kindle (UK / US) and Kobo. Last we checked, there were a few remaining copies of the limited edition at Forbidden Planet (they're signed by multiple contributors, including Sam Sykes) [Update: they're not on the website, but I do think they're in stock. Maybe.]
