Collecting the Cold War

Joey Hi-Fi's Weirdness Rodeo

Welcome to the Weirdness Rodeo - wonder and strangeness, courtesy of Joey Hi-Fi. 
You can follow Joey on Twitter at @JoeyHiFi and admire his work here.

Night of the Lepus (1972)

In 1963 Hitchcock gave us The Birds. 50 years later Timur Bekmambetov gives us Squirrels. *hangs head* Squirrels looks to be the 2013/14s answer to 1972's Night of the Lepus. Mutant killer rabbits! Beggars belief. [Topless Robot]

'15 Fantastic Geek-Themed Sand Sculptures'. Includes Alien vs Bender, E.T, Monty Python and.. Darwin! [Mental Floss]

Arnold Schwarzenegger Driving. 'Come on! Are you a truck or van? Make up your mind!'. [YouTube]

Watch Breaking Bad's Bryan Cranston peddle 'Preparation H' (with 'Oxygen action') in this commercial from the 80s. [YouTube]

Umm. Tron: Legacy & Oblivion director, Joseph Kosinski, may direct the new Twilight Zone film. [Den of Geek]

Australian scientists have created a hangover-preventing beer. Amazing. [The Braiser]

'If Clark Kent tried to get a newspaper job today'. Rejection letter from The Daily Planet. [io9]

An extremely rare bi-coloured lobster caught in Canada. It's the Two-Face of the Lobster world.[Geekologie]

Total book desecration for a very good cause - Lauren Beukes' The Shining Girls art auction [Lauren Beukes]

Follow the Leaders: Interesting installation about a corporate city in ruins. Features 2,000 cement figures! [This is Colossal]

Flamin' hell. Trailer for fan film 'Star Wars Downunder'. Beer, LIghtsaber boomerangs & Aussies. [Vimeo]

20 of the creepiest covers for H.P. Lovecraft novels. [Flavorwire]

Strap yourself in for Paul W.S. Anderson's Pompeii. Akin to Bay's Pearl Harbor. [FlavorWire]

A gay porn company will donate all of their profits to LGBT charities. [Huffington Post]

Human security engineer vs R2B2 (a button-mashing robot) - in a 'competitive pin typing' competition. [io9

To celebrate the Affleck Batman announcement. [YouTube] [Editor's note: Matt Daaaaaamon]

Breaking Bad's science consultant explains how the shows creators escaped the ire of the DEA. It's great that Breaking Bad use a science consultant. A certain Mr Damon Lindelof should take note. [Salon]

A WWII Air Force Gunner fell 20,000 feet - and survived. '5 Tales of Survival from Extreme Falls'. [Popular Mechanics]

'Nerd Vandalism Is Serious Business'. [Kotaku]
