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Joey Hi-Fi's Weirdness Rodeo

Welcome to the Weirdness Rodeo - wonder and strangeness, courtesy of Joey Hi-Fi. 
You can follow Joey on Twitter at @JoeyHiFi and admire his work here.

Homemade Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1990 trailer. Thrift store Shredder is fantastic.

Reminder: The Shining Girls Charity Art Event!

Anythingarian, catso, frizilation... and Bransle' - The 'Twerk' of 1662. 16 OED Words That Became Obscure. [Mental Floss]

Your lounge needs this. [Incredible Things]

Punisher meets Transformers reboot anyone? [Twitter]

"Peter Jackson is being paid in Daleks to direct a Doctor Who Episode" []

Conspiracy theories about children's Cartoons. Totoro is the Angel of Death & Smurfs are white supremacists?  [FlavorWire]

T-Rex + Cat = ? [Daily Pics & Flicks]

Restaurant discovers mysterious 3 foot tall concrete monument to Azathoth on their front lawn. [io9]

Probably the only way you'd get me to watch baseball. [Kotaku]

"Terrible Things" card game. It's like the heinous stepchild of Cards Against Humanity. [Kotaku]

The first cloned pet was a cat. Scientists named her - 'Copycat'. Those witty scientists. [Wikipedia]

Curmudgeon park bench plaque. [Daily Pics & Flicks]

The rejected character designs for the Klingons in Star Trek 2: The Darkness. [io9

... And here is a clip from 'Drunk History: Johnny Cool'. Featuring the superb Nick Offerman. [Drunk History]

"Star Drunk", a Battlestar Galactica type sci-fi short - where all the actors are drunk. [Huffington Post]
