Joey Hi-Fi's Weirdness Rodeo
Secret Histories: Procopius, Powers, Tidhar and Griffin

Secret Histories on Pornokitsch

For the next week on Pornokitsch, we'll be talking about Secret Histories as we build up to The Kitschies' event on Monday, 28th October with Tim Powers, Lavie Tidhar and Kate Griffin.

You'll spot a lot of Tim Powers-related content, as we're delighted to be the last stop on Corvus' amazing blog tour - but we've also got posts a-plenty about Mr. Tidhar, Ms. Griffin and the whole secret genre... 

We've also set up a page on The Kitschies site devoted to "secret histories", with links to reviews, reading and free fiction all over the internet. If you have anything to suggest we add, just let us know in the comments.

Let the secrecy commence!