Joey Hi-Fi's Weirdness Rodeo
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Welcome to the Weirdness Rodeo - your weekly dose of wonder and strangeness, courtesy of Joey Hi-Fi.
You can follow Joey on Twitter at @JoeyHiFi and admire his work here.
Iron Man, Toad and SuperBatman - ASSEMBLE! Trailer for Bollywood's superhero film 'Krrish 3'.
Mike Allred & Chris Roberson's comic book 'iZombie' is being adapted for television. (AV Club)
Hit-and-run driver attempts to flee the scene after hitting cab - but hits 5 more cars during panicked escape. (Geekologie)
'8 Video Game Hoaxes, Debunked'. Includes 'Sheng Long' - Street Fighter II's Kaiser Soze. (Mental Floss)
Sociologist explains why goths stay goth long after 'punks grow out of it and ravers stop raving'. Interesting. (Guardian)
"They drew first blood..." Someone is making a Rambo video game. (Badass Digest)
New custom @GelaSkins hardcase cell phone cover with art by @TheGerhard from the comic he did with Lauren Beukes (Twitter)
"Put it in the bin". Serious fan made trailer for a live-action Captain Planet film. (YouTube)
Photos of abandoned toy factories. (Geekologie)
Movies' London Tube fails. (New Statesman)
Oh dear. Scientists discover oldest living animal - a quahog clam (born in 1499). Then accidentally kill it. (Geekologie)
These are beautiful. "The Mythical Beasts of Painter and Street Artist Curiot". (This is Colossal)
Well. This happened apparently. Miss USA dressed as a Transformer during the 2013 Miss Universe competition. (Geekosystem)
White supremacist learns he’s biracial on talk show. Dismisses the result as 'statistical noise'. (Uproxx)
Interesting fan-made comic "The Deal" tells the tale of the Batman & Jokers final confrontation. (io9)
Photos of a massive fish (the Goliath Grouper) in China. No surprise that it's on the endangered list. (Kotaku)
The greatest thing ever seen on an air duct. (Twitter)
At Universal Studios (90s) you could be green-screened into a Star Trek episode. Behold a family's awkward voyage. (Buzzfeed)
Dave Grohl produced an EP for Swedish metal band Ghost B.C. Features covers of Depeche Mode & er.. ABBA. (Consequence of Sound)
Watch a Wes Anderson short film "Castello Cavalcanti" for free online. Stars Jason Schwartzman (who else?). (Gawker)
Amazing. (JPL)
So it's come to this. Phillips Beard Trimmer 9000 - with LASER guide. (Adnostic)
Hell yes. The Night of the Doctor Mini Episode. (YouTube)
Darren Aronofsky’s ‘Noah’ (aka 'genocide by flood') with Russell Crowe in full biblical mode. Yikes. (Flavorwire)