Site Outages / New Mailing List
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
I'm sorry about the downtime that Pornokitsch and Jurassic London have both been experiencing lately. Hackers have been going after Typepad and, although they've been battling valiantly (and giving good customer service), our sites have been rather erratic for the past week. Good thing this didn't happen before the Hugo nominating was in, eh?
There's news about this over on TechCrunch - it seems like hackers are hitting the site with DDoS attacks in the hopes of getting 'ransom' money. Needless to say, I hope you join me in cheering on TypePad as they fight the good fight.
Given that we are a blog that's mostly book and film reviews and the occasional chili recipe, there's not a lot here that's time-critical. And we don't take advertising, so there's no money lost (just a bit of dignity).
However, we do now have our weekly short story - and since that involves a bit of investment on our part, we want to make sure that it gets to readers!
If you're interested in getting our weekly dose of free fiction sent to you by email, please sign up below. The weekly email will go out on the same day as the blog post, and will contain a short introduction, the complete short story and maybe a related link or two.
If you're in a signing up kind of mood, there are also mailing lists specifically for Jurassic London (primarily for pre-orders and book releases) and The Kitschies (which is for publishers, authors and agents - primarily about the submissions process).