Once Upon a Time: S4E5 'Broken Glass'
Review Round-up: Retribution and the Westmark Trilogy

Everywhere Else

Marvel"I’ve always felt that the interface between art and reality is porous" - a fascinating interview with the genius that inhabits this dimension in the form of Alan Moore.

The thriving market in collectible sneakers. (Fascinating!)

More Lovecraft: She Walks in Shadows - the new anthology of Lovecraftian fiction - is looking for submissions. Guidelines and such are here.

Ever needed to change the oil on the Helicarrier? Now you can, as noted technical manual publisher Haynes has put out a guide to all the Marvel vehicles. 

For small businesses (and publishers?) - the pros and cons of taking bitcoin payments.

The Vatican Library is digitising its collection. All fun and games until someone accidentally scans the Necronomicon.

"I think its fascinating that there could be such vicious and virulent arguments raging—arguments that may become defining moments for many people—to which the rest of the world is utterly oblivious." - Robert Sharp on #GamerGate

There's a Gail Carriger wiki! 

The Strange Horizons annual fund drive has begun! One particularly amusing set of prizes - you could win boxes of books selected by Justin Landon, Liz Bourke or The Book Smugglers. (Plus many other nifty treats, including a limited edition of The Bone Clocks!)

Pornokitsch & Jurassic contributor - and noted Egyptologist -  John J. Johnston spoke about the discovery of King Tut's tomb and ensuing mummymania at the Ashmolean. (Their exhibition ends this week, so get moving!)

Anne will be speaking at the Society of Young Publishers' Annual Conference on 8 November - ticketed, but non-members welcome. Lots of education and discussion for folks in all stages of their publishing careers.

Molly Tanzer has been announced as the editor of the Lovecraftian issue of the Lazy Fascist Review (due November 2015).

Bex, Jon and Jared continue to scrutinise the four-colour world in the One Comic Podcast with recent episodes about Breaks and Batgirl.

Finally - Have you taken our short survey on short fiction? If not, please do! It'll help us figure out how best to deliver our free short stories.
