Fiction: 'The Kiss' by Kim Curran [AUDIO]
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Happy Valentine's Day from the Pornokitsch team! We like-like you all and would happily ask you to the big dance. If we had friends, we would set you up with them. If we had $1,000, we'd buy you a telescope.
Alas, we don't have friends, dances or $1,000 - but we do have something better - the very romantic "The Kiss", written by Kim Curran, narrated by Mahvesh Murad.
"The Kiss" was first published on Pornokitsch last October. You can read it here.
Kim Curran is the author of Shift, Control, Delete and Glaze. If you dig her short fiction, there's more of it in Irregularity. You can wish her a happy Valentine's Day at @kimecurran.
Mahvesh Murad is a reviewer, music maven and the voice of - amongst others - Midnight in Karachi. You can bat your eyelashes at her at @mahveshm.