Friday Five: 5 Sharks on the Silver Screen
Shhhhh! It's a secret One Comic


We chilling out a bit in May, and you may have noticed that our daily posting routine has now dropped to 3-4/week. And a slightly quietness on the fiction and reviews front.

This isn't a long-term thing - rather, we're easing up a tiny bit ahead of a June 'relaunch'. That's a slightly grandiose term, but we've got a new look, a new template, new contributors and a ton of new stuff. With that on the horizon, we're doing boring back-end stuff in May, and that means slowing down. A little. 

That's it. It is entirely possible probable that you don't even notice, but, hey, we hold ourselves to a certain standard and were feeling a little guilty.

(Don't forget that you can find Jon/Bex/Jared on the One Comic Podcast, Anne on Hodderscape, Mahvesh and Jared on, Mahvesh also in a lot of other places, and Molly, like, everywhere. We're a noisy bunch.)

(Oh, and an event next week. Come make sandworms with us!)
