Announcing... The Extinction Event
Monday, April 11, 2016
[via Jurassic London]
This October is Jurassic London's 5th anniversary, and we're celebrating with a huge new anthology.
The Extinction Event currently clocks in at over 150,000 words; over half of which will be completely new material. We've been taking this as an opportunity to revisit our previous publications - including the more rare and out of print titles - and also commission some terrific new stories.
I suppose the clue is in the name, but... The Extinction Event is also Jurassic London's last book.
The Extinction Event will be published in late October, as a very glamorous limited edition. In fact, this will be the only edition - no ebook! - so we're going to make it as special as possible.
It has been an incredible five year run and we've had a blast. We'll do the various "thank you" and "goodbye" bits in October, and we'll wait and talk about it then. But for now: you're all awesome! This is not a sad thing!
For now... start clearing some shelf space. The Extinction Event is coming, and it is going to be big.
Links and updates:
"ACK! I'm a Jurassic London reader and/or writer. What does this mean?!"
Table of Contents - and a bit of art! - revealed at
r/fantasy will be hosting an AMA for contributors on 13 October
For updates on pre-orders and the launch party, join the Jurassic London mailing list.