Funko Pops That Don't Exist But We Wish Did
Friday, April 21, 2017
Your turn! We've been nattering on about Funko Pop toys all week, but now we want to hear from you. Although there are approximately 80,000 Funko toys, they haven't made Pops for everything (yet). What Funko Pops would you love to see?
Here are few from us to get you started...
We asked on Twitter as well, and some of the responses are absolutely brilliant. @georgesandison agrees that the lack of Gambit is a crying shame. And where are our Dragonlance Pops?! (Thanks to @PomericoD for bringing that dream to light.) @Patrick_Ness' proposed Madeleine Albright toy is a little unexpected, but, you know, everyone's got a fandom.
Chime in - on Twitter, in the comments, wherever.
This week we're focusing on Funko Pop! toys, and joined by some special guests. Follow along here. And share your own Pop! stories and photos with us at @pornokitsch.