SPFBO2017: The First 26 Reviews!
Small Press Shakedown: Michael Curran of Tangerine Press

Simplified Fantasy Cover Art

It is Friday afternoon, and I'm playing with simplify.thatsh.it - a website that creates 'random modern art by simplifying images to their core elements'. Basically, we're one step from Skynet, people.

Anyway, I've taken the liberty of simplifying some of my favourite SF/F covers. They're pretty remarkable.

Have a play - tag us in your experiments on Twitter at @pornokitsch!


Cover: Joe Abercrombie's The Blade Itself (As Ninefingers says, "You've got to be realism")


Cover: Dragons of Autumn TwilightSturm is a big lump!

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Cover: Becky Chambers' The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet

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Cover: Dune (I quite like it?)

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Cover: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
(£10 says there's a special edition with this cover in our lifetimes)

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Cover: The Way of ShadowsPentagons are the new Hooded Men.
