Pennywise and Paper-Thin: Why IT’s clown is too two-dimensional to be terrifying
Monday, October 30, 2017
So, you know the drill: spoilers ahead.
A few months ago, when we rolled out The Official Pornokitsch Taxonomy of Villains ™, I promised two things: An Obsessed, and a Monster. Half of that promise was fulfilled last month with our look at Khan(s). This month, I deliver on the second half by focusing on the most notorious monster of 2017: Pennywise the Dancing Clown, from Stephen King’s It. I’ll mostly be focusing on the 2017 film version, but will reference other versions as appropriate, since the most famous portrayals – i.e. the novel, the 1990s miniseries, and the latest film – all differ in some respects.
So, let me start with the obvious bit, something we’ve all known in the deepest recesses of our beings since childhood: